Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm a Little Scared

I arrived in St. George around 4pm and met up with my handsome, shrinking husband at the front desk of Fitness Ridge. He is looking so good and I am so proud of him! As of last week he had lost 44 pounds from his heaviest weight this year. Isn't he amazing?!! It was so good to see him. I'm so lucky to have him as my best friend and husband.

After being weighed and measured I was welcomed, along with four others, in the office of the resort's emotional eating counselor. She had us introduce ourselves and ask any questions we had. Then off to eat....

The menu said turkey stroganoff for dinner and vanilla pie for dessert. We sat down at the long people-filled table and the staff brought us our meal. It was pretty in the dishes and wasn't creamy like the stroganoffs of yesterday, but delicious none the less. I ate slowly... very slowly because, well, there wasn't very much and I was fearful that if I didn't savor these few bites I'd still be left wanting. The vanilla pie was made with a grape nut crust and tofu with vanilla tofu pudding. It was okay. I would have never guessed it was tofu though. I only know because Rob bought the chef's cookbook and brought it home. We have tried a few things in it and like the cookbook so far.

After dinner they sent a microphone around the room and everyone (all 75 of us) introduced ourselves, told where we were from and how long we were staying. I was very surprised to find that the minority were staying for only one week. There were many staying from 2 to 4 weeks and as many as 8 weeks. There is one man here for 19 weeks! There are people from all over the country and many of them have never been to Utah. I sat by some very nice people from Colorado--a mother and two of her children, a boy and a girl. Her "children" are in their 30s.

There was a big group welcome power point presentation after the introductions given by one of the trainers. This trainer might scare me. She's got some guns on her and she's in her fifties. She is a no nonsense kind that says she likes to yell. Yelling scares me even when it's me that's yelling!

Rob and I went for a Sunday drive through a very quiet St. George. The landscape and blue sky were picturesque. I do adore this little town.


  1. Go RACHEL!!!!! (I'm happy yelling at you... don't worry!) I'm so proud of you guys and so happy that you are going to post on this little old blog. Love you!

  2. It sounds like such a great experience, and to be able to do it with your hubby makes it so fun. I hope you have a great time, and now I get to read both of your blogs!

  3. Good for you guys! I've enjoyed reading both of your posts. I guess I missed just how long you plan on being there. I'm sure you'll never forget it.
